Ithaca High School Math Seminar Fall 2023: Graphics Programming

This is the homepage of the second seminar series of the IHS Math Seminar in Fall 2023, whose focus is the relationship between geometry and computer graphics.

One of the goals of the course is to make direct connections between precalculus ideas and computer graphics, and doing so by programming graphics from scratch.

Each lesson has an associated webpage, linked below. Classes meet from 9:52 - 10:39am on "A days" in H211.

Lesson Pages

2-1 (Nov 2)

2-2 (Nov 6)

2-3 (Nov 8)

2-4 (Nov 13)

2-5 (Nov 15)

2-6 (Nov 17)

2-7 (Nov 21)

2-8 (Nov 28)

2-9 (Nov 30)

2-10 (Dec 4)

2-11 (Dec 6)

2-12 (Dec 8)

2-13 (Dec 12)

2-14 (Dec 14)

2-15 (Dec 18)

2-16 (Dec 20)